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Support groups

We belive that informal support groups are a hugely beneficial way for people living with Parkinson's and their family to meet up and discuss the challenges they are facing.  It is also a great way to make new friends!

Face2Face Parkinson's has set up a number of very successful groups and it is intended to expand the number as quickly as resources permit.

The groups are either run by volunteers or by our own staff.  Where possible, advisors will be present at the meetings  to offer individual advice and to discuss personal matters.

At most meetings the personal aids shown on the "Shop" page are available for purchase.


Thornbury support group

A Parkinson’s support group and lunch club is held at The Chantry in Thornbury on the last Friday of the month  between 11am and 2pm.

It is an informal gathering and gives everyone an opportunity to share experiences and knowledge of living with the condition, as well as just having a very enjoyable time together. 

People with Parkinson’s, their family and friends are all welcome.


If you would like to book lunch with the group, please contact Sally Derham on 07443 332 150.


The Chantry is on the right at the bottom of Castle Street in Thornbury.  Parking is available on site.   See the map below for the location.

Saltford Support Group

Free support and information is available to anyone living with Parkinson’s, in the Wansdyke room at  Saltford Hall, Wedmore Road, Saltford, Bristol, BS31 3BY, on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10:00 to13:00.

Refreshments are available to purchase so why not come along for a mingle and perusal, and see what we can do for you?

You have the option to receive face to face support on any aspect of living with Parkinson’s from Kevin Carter – Independent Parkinson’s Advisor, who has been supporting people living and working with Parkinson’s for over 15 years.  He can provide emotional and practical support, help with benefits and financial support. Refer onto other services where appropriate. Or just be there to talk through your situation and have a chat. You can just come along for a coffee and chat.  Please make sure to book an appointment if you need to see Kevin.


Please note! we cannot advise on medication or medical issues.


For further information or to book an appointment please contact Kevin Carter using the Contact Us Page.

Bristol Branch of Parkinson's UK

We also provide information and support at the Bristol Branch of Parkinson's UK who meet on the first Saturday of every month at:- St Monica's, Cote Lane, Westbury on trym,  Bristol. BS9 3UN, from 10:00am to 12:00pm.

Face2Face Parkinson's Community Interest Company

10 Charborough Road, Bristol, BS34 7RA

Tel.  07851 976796

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