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Useful information

The guides below are all available for free download

Benefits at a glance

Simple guide to the benefits that people with Parkinson's may be entitled to.


Just a few tips about small changes to your diet that can make a difference to your Parkinson's

Drink more, pee less

Urgency and frequency are troublesome symptoms of Parkinson's. Here is a simple guide to reducing these symptoms.

Just had a Parkinson's diagnosis?

Often when someone is first diagnosed they can be overwhelmed with information. This is a simple and concise guide to living with Parkinson's and answers questions you likely have.

Side effects

A concise guide on a troublesome side effect of Parkinson's medication - compulsivity. How to spot this symptom in someone with Parkinson's and who to contact.

Useful contacts

Useful contacts for people living with Parkinson's and their carers in Bristol and surrounding districts.

Anxiety and apprehension

Anxiety and Apprehensions in Parkinson's.

Getting out and about

Ideas for staying active with Parkinson's.

​Face2Face Parkinson's leaflet

Information on our organisation and how we can help

Do you live with or care for someone who has Parkinson’s?                   

Information to help people who are living with or caring for someone who has Parkinson's

Information for health professionals

Understanding your patient with Parkinson's

Information for employers

What is Parkinson's - for employers

Face2Face Parkinson's Community Interest Company

10 Charborough Road, Bristol, BS34 7RA

Tel.  07851 976796

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